

The name says it all – a product launch campaign featuring something black. The suspense was supposed to grow darker with each clue for three consecutive days, followed by the actual product. Sounds interesting? It bloody was!

When BlogAdda invited to participate in this #WhatTheBlack campaign, I was mighty curious like many of my fellow blogger friends. Signed up the form and waited with bated breath for the first clue to arrive. It was clear that the final product would be something in black, but it is pretty difficult to guess without the clues since the product might be anything – food, cosmetics, daily use commodities, a gadget, a book. Came July 30 and the first clue arrived.

Day 1 – A black egg with chocolate inside

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Arrived in the afternoon, while I was already fretting over friends posting snaps of these on social media as they had already received the clue. The packaging was impressive and cute, to say the least. My father-in-law was probably more excited than me and took initiative in cracking open the black egg. The paint was not up to the mark and stained all our fingers, but the chocolate inside was worth the effort. An egg-shaped note from BlogAdda and whattheblack.com added incentive to wait for the next clue, the next day.

Day 2 – A black newspaper!

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The second clue came later in the evening when I had almost lost the hope of receiving it. Afraid of losing the suspense, I hadn’t checked the social media posts all day. The black newspaper was delivered by a drenched courier guy who saved the paper miraculously from getting wet. Our interest was piqued and the whole family sat speculating about the final product. The newspaper showcased fake news about the black egg, a black tissue paper, and a black cricket ball.

Father-in-law was clueless. He hadn’t expected such aggressive and innovative campaign for any product.

Mother-in-law suggested cosmetics. Black lipstick, to be precise.

Husband went a step ahead and started connecting dots backward. The egg and the newspaper – all morning/breakfast items which are normally white. What else?

I suggested bread and/or milk – in black? Well…didn’t make sense. Delivering those in courier across the country was impossible. We had to rule out any FMCG product.

The suspense was growing.

Day 3 – Black coffee cup and a black tissue paper

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I received these late, almost when the campaign was over and all others have already received the final product. However, we were still analyzing and guessing on the product. It became clear that the end product was related to Mornings, if not breakfast in particular. Most of the guessing was done by my husband (a fellow blogger) as we were partners in crime for blogging and everything else.

He was calculating numbers – C H O C O L A T E , N E W S P A P E R, C O F F E E C U P – 9 letters each.

What could be the next one on similar lines and related to morning? Toothbrush/toothpaste? But they would be 10 letters. What else was associated with morning activities? Couldn’t think of anything else and we had to rest our case there. It was kind of obvious that the product wouldn’t be something too expensive, as it was being sent to so many bloggers across the country. Gadgets and cosmetics were ruled out, unless it was targetted to women and make-up! But the product couldn’t be gender specific as male bloggers applied for it too. Hence Mother-in-law’s idea of a black lipstick had to go out of the window.

Day 4 – Colgate Charcoal Slim Toothbrush

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Finally. I had sneaked a peek into the product on social media as many bloggers had received it well ahead of me. Still, the product was a lovely surprise. Slim, suave and sexy. Can’t wait to use it and feel the difference in my mornings!

Much thanks to BlogAdda and Colgate for such a lovely idea of a campaign. I appreciate all of BlogAdda’s efforts to send the clues to so many bloggers across the country in this topsy-turvy monsoon. I’m glad to be part of such a wonderful campaign and hope to participate in more.




3 thoughts on “#WhatTheBlack!

  1. Pingback: Winners of WhatTheBlack Activity at BlogAdda

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